flowchart LR
%% Nodes
subgraph SourceSystems [Source Systems]
A["CRM Systems"]
B["ERP Systems"]
C["Marketing Platforms"]
D["On Prem Apps"]
subgraph IntegrationLayer [Integration Layer]
E["API Gateway"]
F["Message Broker"]
G["Transformation Worker"]
H["Persistance Database"]
I["Sender Worker"]
subgraph DestinationSystems [Destination Systems]
J["CRM Systems"]
K["ERP Systems"]
L["Marketing Platforms"]
M["On Prem Apps"]
%% Edge connections between nodes
%% From Source Systems to Integration Layer
A --> E
B --> E
C --> E
D --> E
F --> G
%% Within Integration Layer
E --> F
E --> G
G --> |Entity Resolution| H
H --> I
%% From Integration Layer to Destination Systems
I --> J
I --> K
I --> L
I --> M
style E color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#2962FF, fill:#2962FF
style I color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#2962FF, fill:#2962FF